
Boomerang Employee : Antoine Gousy-Leblanc


After working for 5 years with the FireFlex team, Antoine left us for other opportunities, more specifically in the Sherbrooke region. Specialist in research and product development related to mechanical engineering, Antoine was able to meet several challenges in a local "startup successfully". Despite having great ambitions, he knew that coming home was the way to go.

Since last July, he has therefore returned to FireFlex as R&D Supervisor and is now building the future of the company. Welcome back to the Polygon family!

Why return to the group?

"It's pretty simple. There are remarkable leaders inside this company." Communication with various people is friendly, effective and greatly motivating."

"Having the freedom to create, share ideas, and be listened to is priceless, especially for people from my generation and younger."

"Also, working in a startup is exciting, and building special products is always nice. I loved the startup, but with the variety of tasks, I couldn't focus on my specialty.

Your motivations?

  • Drive product development, inspire with knowledge management and cultivate leadership.
  • Return to a specialist role, but not only that. I wanted to coordinate a team and supervise several projects.
  • Evolve and make product development decisions, trying to surpass business goals.
  • Get more involved in business, sales, productivity, and grant applications, open my horizons and get out of the "paperwork".


What do you like about FireFlex and Polygon?

"I feel productive and respected with an established social network, with good people and strong ties. This is important for me.

"Personally and professionally, is it the perfect fit. North Shorers, be advised Polygon is a strong choice for R&D and building engineering, niche knowledge."

What are your next challenges?

  1. "Become a better manager, mastering team management is always an ongoing process."
  2. "I am completing a master's degree in engineering management."
  3. "Do a mastery project using FireFlex and develop the use of processes and technologies."

Here is the portrait of our boomerang employee.

• Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering
• Member of the Order of Engineers of Quebec (OIQ) since 2019
• 16 months of experience in the design and management of thermal and mechanical tests on EV products
• 12 months of experience in battery manufacturing
• 6 years of experience in Research and Development
• Passionate about new and disruptive technologies (IOT, 3D printing, EV, Cloud computing), learning new skills (Machine Learning, AI) to solve problems

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